Sample Unit Plan

6:49 AM By Christy Ocariza

Unit Plan     

Unit Author
First and Last Name
Christy Mae Ocariza
School District
Cebu City – Region VII
School Name
Cebu Normal University
School City, State
Cebu City
Unit Overview
Unit Title
Hot Issue: Global Warming
Unit Summary
The Students will be informed and aware of what global warming is. They can also think of some possible ways on how to prevent or at least lessening the effects of global warming. With this, they will be able to help some Environmental Programs to be effective against global warming.
Subject Area
Earth and Environmental Science
Grade Level  
1st year High School
Approximate Time Needed
1 hour and 30 mins
Unit Foundation
Targeted Content Standards and Benchmarks (BEC COMPETENCIES)
Students will be able to explain Global Warming in different perspective.
Students can demonstrate some ways on how to prevent or to lessen the effects of Global Warming.
Students will appreciate the role of Environmental Programs in preventing or at least lessening the effects of Global Warming.
Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes

The students will develop their:
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Debating or reasoning skills
  • Researching skills
  • Awareness
  • Sense of Responsibility
  • Teamwork

Curriculum-Framing Questions

Essential Question
What is Global Warming

Unit Questions
What are the effects of Global Warming?

Content Questions
What will happen to the Earth if Global Warming continues?
How do we minimize the effects of Global Warming?

Assessment Plan

Assessment Timeline

Before project work begins
Students work on projects and complete tasks
After project work is completed

·    The students will watch a video presentation entitled “Global Warming: A Point of No Return”.
·    Some questions will be given regarding the video presentation.
·    A seatwork will be given after a comic strip related to the topic global warming is shown.
·    The students will be divided into two groups and have a debate on the notion that, “Within our lifetime, can we significantly slow down the warming of the Earth?.”
·    The students should draw an illustration on how global warming occurs.
·    They can also make a schematic diagram showing the causes and effects of global warming

Assessment Summary

With the use of a video presentation, the students can truly perceive what global warming is. They can also understand its effects. By having a debate, the students can balance the different side of the coin. They can also enhance their reasoning skill as well as their communication skills. Another assessment that will be given involves the artistic way. The students will have to draw an illustration and also a schematic diagram which pertains to global warming. With these assessments, the students can really learn about global warming and its effects as well as its prevention.

Assessment Rubrics
Evaluation Sheet:
Creativeness – 30%
Content – 60%
Neatness – 10%

Unit Details

Prerequisite Skills

The students should have knowledge on the Earth and its components.

Instructional Procedures

The students will be asked with few questions about their vacation. They will be then shown with a video regarding global warming and after the video they will be given a seatwork. After the seatwork, they will then have a debate. The debate will help them design an Environmental Program for global warming. They will then be evaluated with a schematic diagram and an illustration.

Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction

Special Needs Students

Nonnative Speakers

Gifted/Talented Students

Materials and Resources Required For Unit

Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed)             

 Digital Camera
 DVD Player
 Internet Connection
 Laser Disk
 Projection System
 Video Camera
 Video Conferencing Equip.
Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.)
 Desktop Publishing
 E-mail Software
 Encyclopedia on CD-ROM
 Image Processing
 Internet Web Browser

 Web Page Development
 Word Processing

Printed Materials
Lecture Notes In Environmental Science: The Economy of Nature
White board for the projection, visual materials for the debate
Internet Resources
Other Resources
Some videos on about global warming